
chicas – blogger!

Sonia me distinguiĂł con esta mension!!!
Para mi es un honor, y un placer: el blog me mantiene en contacto con otros ilustradores, no ilustradores, amigos, parientes que viven lejos y van viendo lo que hago o mis cosas en este cuasi “diario Ă­ntimo”.
Muchas gracias entonces, Sonia!
Ahora es mi turno de contar, quienes para mi son merecedoras de este premio, quienes son las chicas blogger que mas visito y disfruto viendo sus trabajos:
Geninne Risa Claudia Lisa Simone Zimena

Sonia prized me with this mention,
For me is an honour and a pleasure: this blog puts me in contact with other illustrators, non illustrators, friends and relatives that lives abroad, and they can be in contact with what I do and my stufs. It’s like a “journal” about me.
So thank you very much, Sonia!
Now is my turn, and I’ll tell you who are, for me, the blogger – girls that deserves this prize, those who I visit most and enjoy watching their work.