Sonia me distinguió con esta mension!!!
Para mi es un honor, y un placer: el blog me mantiene en contacto con otros ilustradores, no ilustradores, amigos, parientes que viven lejos y van viendo lo que hago o mis cosas en este cuasi “diario íntimo”.
Muchas gracias entonces, Sonia!
Ahora es mi turno de contar, quienes para mi son merecedoras de este premio, quienes son las chicas blogger que mas visito y disfruto viendo sus trabajos:
Geninne Risa Claudia Lisa Simone Zimena

Sonia prized me with this mention,
For me is an honour and a pleasure: this blog puts me in contact with other illustrators, non illustrators, friends and relatives that lives abroad, and they can be in contact with what I do and my stufs. It’s like a “journal” about me.
So thank you very much, Sonia!
Now is my turn, and I’ll tell you who are, for me, the blogger – girls that deserves this prize, those who I visit most and enjoy watching their work.

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