
A process of creating a work is very diverse.

Ideas can come from anywhere: something triggers them, something associates them with each other, and thus a new one is born.
Maybe a word, maybe a memory, but the ideas are there, floating… You don’t know how that will end. But we don’t know how they started either.

Sometimes ideas sleep, a short time, or a very long one. Ideas rest in our heads without us knowing they are there. Some ideas grow, others deflate. And when one least expects it, plaf!! it shows. So clear, so logical: of course! How come I did not think of it before!!! And that did not happen before because they needed a gestation time, and then association.

There are good ideas, not so good ideas, but always, always, there are ideas.

I believe that ideas are the engines that keep our brains running. I remember going to visit my grandmother, seeing her with a lost look: I knew that the ideas that she had once had had gone, through one of the holes that she said she had in her head.

Please, my ideas, never leave me!! keep changing every day, every week, every month, every hour. Because without you, my work doesn’t make sense anymore.
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